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Four Divisions of Power
It is a balance of both soft/circular principles and hard/linear principles of movement in four divisions.
Nae Gong deals with one's internal energy (Ki power) development, control and direction, through both passive (um) and active (yang) methods. Ki power development is taught via specialized breathing and meditation exercises in conjunction with specific physical exercises. The practitioner learns to develop, harness, and apply this human energy resources at will. Initially studied for health purposes and for use in the battlefield; at more advance levels this power can be controlled in conjunction with mental processes and can be extended from one individual to another for healing as well as combative applications. This internal energy is found in all living creatures, yet in the disciplined study of Hwa Rang Do® one can learn to develop this power for truly outstanding displays of human energy and will, extending previously conceived limitations to unlimited possibilities.
There are five different senses of Ki which can be developed after you practice Hwa Rang Do's® Ki (power) development exercises:
Kyung Ki  - making the body light
Jung Ki  - making the body heavy
Chyel Ki  - making the body hard as steel
Ma Ki  - making the body numb
Shin Ki  - increasing mental concentration and awareness
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Wae Gong takes its form in over 4,000 offensive and defensive combative applications found within the art and is the externalization of Nae Gong. Most martial arts are either tense and linear in their orientation or are soft and circular. Hwa Rang Do® combines both elements to form a natural and compatible combative system.
This phase of instruction includes all forms of:
- Hand strikes and blocks in both circular and linear movements (trapping and grabbing as well as deflection applications, using the hands, wrist, forearm, elbows, arms and shoulders) applied in both vibrating strikes and thrusting strikes.
- 365 individual kicking techniques, which include: linear kicks, circular kicks, snapping kicks, thrusting kicks, low kicks, aerial kicks, double legs kicks, combination kicks, multiple kicks, kicking from sitting and prone positions.
- Throws, all forms of takedowns as well as acrobatics and falling techniques from any position, onto any surface.
- Human anatomical structure/function as it pertains to combative applications (knowing and utilizing the body's weak points to effectively control the opponent, regardless of their size)
- Joint manipulation and/or bone breaking; finger pressure point applications; containment, control, and transport techniques.
- Grappling applications (Gotoogi); ground fighting and submission locks.
- Forms for each sash, which is unique as it possesses a harmonious combination of both soft/circular movements with hard/linear.
- Offensive choking/breaking techniques.
- Defense against multiple assailants.
- Counter-offense and defense for the above and additional advanced, secretive techniques.
These applications are taught in their combative form, yet with full control in order to minimize danger to the student. By practicing these diverse aspects, one can regain and maintain health through physical exercise while learning to control any antagonist with one movement. Hwa Rang Do® techniques are implemented to the degree a particular situation dictates, applying a particular degree of response for each incremental escalation of force. Within this division of Wae Kong you can find over 4,000 techniques in Hwa Rang Do®. These 4,000 techniques have both practical effective ways and artistic ways of execution. So it requires tremendous concentration and a good memory to learn this curriculum. Even though there are so many techniques, they are mostly designed so that it is easy for a physically weaker individual to perform them on a stronger opponent. So anyone from 3-year-old children to 80-year-old adults can learn them.
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Shin Gong is the study, development, and control of the human mind in order to attain one's full potential and mental capabilities. Techniques are taught to achieve an increase in one's total awareness, focus, and concentration levels.
This realm includes instruction in:
- Dok Shim Sul - is the power to read minds. It is one form of telepathy.
- Shin Kyun Sul - is a second form of telepathy and involves visualizations. It is a form of telepathy that visualizes movements of other people.
- In Sul - is the development and training in patience and tolerance.
- Choe Myen Sul - is the technique of putting a person to sleep.
- Un Shin Bop - is the art of concealing oneself in front of others. It employs a combination of distraction, suggestion, stealth and camouflage.
- Sa Sang Bop - is the study of human types. Human personalities and psychological characters are broken up into four basic types: There are two types of Um and two types of Yang.
- Kookup Hwal Bop - is the use of acupuncture to revive an unconscious person.
- Chim Goo Sul Bop - is the use of acupuncture to cure illnesses.
- Jyub Gol Sul - is the study of setting bones that result from breaks and dislocations.
- Joo Sul - is the practice of chanting as a technique to heal or cause sickness.
- Son Hak - is the practice of hermitage. The capacity to live alone for long periods of time is a highly evolved art, and is essential for the continued study of the infinite powers of the mind.
- Hang Bop - is the study of the laws of the universe and of the five elements.
- Yoo Shim Bop - is the study of the mind.
These powers and more lie within the potentials of every human being and can be developed and utilized through the proper training methods.
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Development of mastery of external objects. There are over 108 different weapons found in Hwa Rang Do®. These weapons are divided into 20 different categories:
- Cutting Weapons
- Slicing Weapons
- Chopping Weapons
- Stabbing Weapons
- Throwing Weapons
- Striking Weapons
- Grappling Weapons
- Shooting Weapons
- Blowing Weapons
- Hammering Weapons
- Stick Weapons
- Sectioned Weapons
- Linked Weapons
- Fan Weapons
- Cane Weapons
- Ball or Round Weapons
- Spear Weapons
- Pin or Needle Weapons
- Sling Weapons
- Disk Weapons
Weapon techniques was traditionally kept secret for fear that the enemy might learn counter techniques and would recognize the strategy of attack as soon as he saw the kind of weapon drawn. But if he were unfamiliar with the weapon and the technique, it would give the defender a crucial edge at times when life could depend on a single movement. For that reason, weapon practice was always done in private and the instruction given only to the most trusted and loyal disciples. However, by studying the 20 types of weapons, it is possible to master all 108.
At the West Coast Headquarters, we train essentially in three weapons, which we feel give the best overall understanding of weaponry of old and modern era. The Jang Bong (long staff - stick weapons), Ssang Jyel Bong (twin sticks with rope - jointed weapons), and the Jang Kum (the sword - cutting weapons). After the mastery of these three, then we further add the variety of weapons and practice actual fighting with them in our Kumdo Class.
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